Monday, April 12, 2010

Mega Update

Hey, remember me?! I know, it's been a while. But I figured, what better time to start blogging again, then the month where EVERYONE is blogging every day?

Ok, so I'm not doing BEDA this month - maybe next year - but I am doing Screnzy, as I said I'd be doing months ago.

The screenplay of Ghosts of Autumn, the novel I wrote in November, is going quite well. I'm way ahead of schedule. My finishing/editing of the novel itself is not going so well. And I find myself wanting to write a Supernatural fanfic instead. I have yet to finish the Digimon fic I was working on through all of January even though I only have two chapters left in the whole thing. I should really get back to that. I have no idea about my current yearly word count.

As for the 6mo, 6no writing challenge, I'm through with it. I haven't been on the site since February, when I promised to try and revamp it and didn't. I know if I went on right now I could do all the work and it might restart it, but do I want to? Not really. I loved the idea of the challenge, but I'm just busy and tired.

If you follow me on Twitter, or we're friends on Facebook, you already know that my parents got back together just over a week ago. Yes, things are basically back to normal there. It's strange, I'll admit. These past six months have been depressing, but they've brought a lot of good things too, like my extreme writing and reading challenges.

Reading challenges... They were going well in Feb/March and then everything went down hill. I've been reading the same book for two/three weeks now. Ugh.

My role-playing has suffered. I'm still on Tainted Blood (and loving it) and I joined There Goes My Life - a site I've been keeping my eye on for over a year. I owe posts on both sites, but I just don't have the energy.

That seems to be a big problem lately. Energy. I'm tired all the time, stressed, over-worked... I'm putting too much pressure on myself again. I know it. I don't know how to get out of it though. I seem to have this thing where I think everyone is going to get mad at me if I take a week off role-playing or if I don't update my blogs regularly. So ... yeah.

I feel a little better getting this off my chest. Maybe I'll write again over the week. We'll see. Sorry for the depressing update.


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