Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Dreams, Coming True

Ok, so as you may know, I've been kinda obsessed with getting a webcam or video recorder since mid-July when my best friend Tippy got one and started vlogging, and then I was introduced to the VlogBrothers and the 5 Awesome Girls and Alan Lustufka and Katie Campshure and ... now I can't go a day without visiting YouTube.

So of course I've been going on about this in real life as well. But I did get good (and more important) birthday presents, and my family didn't really give out presents last Christmas. Besides all that, my mom is sort of against webcams for safety reasons. I told her I could do the same things with a video camera - which she's wanted forever - but she's still undecided. So now that I'm getting my own money (well, my parents are paying me to clean the apartment while they work) and the desktop computer is now located in my bedroom, I asked my mom if I could get a webcam now.

Her answer was that we'd have a family discussion about it. Now, I really shouldn't be so worried. These things usually turn out to be in my favor. I'm not saying I'm spoiled, but ... well, maybe I am a little. ;) Anyway, my mom is really, really against this and thinks I'm going to get sick of the webcam and all that. I've brought this up to my dad before and he thought I just wanted it to make my blogging easier. Naturally I explained to him how I could never quit blogging completely. And there are things I would still do with my blogs that I couldn't do on camera, and vice versa.

My book blog, for example, would stay a blog. I may make mentions of what book I'm reading in a video like I do here, but that's as far as it'll go. "Shades of Lizzy" will continue on as a blog and a vlog, depending on my mood and time constraints. Sometimes I think it would be easier to talk to a camera than have to type everything. Also, I've had plans for videos since I was a kid. Harry Potter discussion things. And now that I've started watching YouTube, I'd like to be in a collab channel. Better yet, a while ago I found this project on the NerdFighters site for a Harry Potter-does-YouTube kinda collab thing that I definitely wanna restart and do a normal collab. Lastly, Tippy asked me back in December if I wanted to be a part of a podcast. I realize all I need to do that is a microphone, but why just get that when I can kill two birds with one stone?

So those are my ideas, and it's what I'm presenting to my parents. If you have any good ideas for things I should tell my parents, tell me. Or if you have ideas for what I should do with my blogs/webcam, tell me those too.

Lizzy ^_^

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