Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Gifted

Screnzy Update: I HIT FIFTY PAGES!!!!! That means I'm half-way to the goal of 100, and even though I'm only a day ahead, I'm really excited. I mean, it's not bad considering I didn't think I get anywhere with this plot, ya know? But the story's getting really good. Marie and Colin are having their first official date and they just admitted to each other that they've been married and have kids. They're so cuuuute together. =D

Anyway, despite my new found faith in the above screenplay, I haven't been able to get my mind off of the Charmed spin-off all month. It's not like the idea is just a back-up. This is something I'm definitely going to write, even if I save it for next Screnzy. I MUST DO THIS. I don't even care if I ever get it made. I mean, it seems unlikely anyway, seeing as how the original cast would have to come back, but just as long as I posted it online for more fans to see. It would be frickin' awesome.

So I was thinking about this spin-off of mine, which I've titled 'Gifted' instead of Charmed, and I decided I needed a place to keep all of my ideas and scripts and stuff, other than on some torn and stained pieces of paper cluttering my desk with their scribbles. So I opened up a wikia in which I will be transfering everything. The wikia is not yet ready for the eyes of the public, but I'll be sure to post the link just as soon as I've got it looking reasonably decent. =)


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