Monday, April 4, 2011

Who Knew?!

All right, let's get the Screnzy count out of the way. I'm at 14/100 pages. I believe it's just past today's goal, so I'll have to do some extra work tomorrow to get ahead again. Plus, I'm going to take Chris Baty's challenge and hit 30 pages by Friday. Unfortunately I've hit a bit of a roadblock with my upcoming scene because I think it may be too boring to even bother with. I'll think it over tonight and continue tomorrow.

Today we're going to be talking about genealogy. For the past several months I've been very interested in knowing about my family history. Well, I suppose I should say that I've been interested since I was a kid, but I've just been acting on my curiosity in the past few months.

I got a membership on and have been going through lots of records. A while back I found a family tree someone had put together tracing the Sabourin line all the way back to France in 1611! Honestly, I wasn't that surprised that we came from France. Our direct line never left Quebec and Ottawa (both primarily French-speaking places) until my dad moved to Toronto when he was a teenager. He lost the accent and most of the language since then, but it's still been a common fact in our household that we're French.

I had the same expectations of tracking my paternal grandmother's side all the way to France, and apparently I was correct. I found out this afternoon that my 10th great-grandfather did indeed come from France, but I also found out that his father came from Switzerland! That's probably been one of the more shocking things I've discovered so far.

On my mother's side, I've had considerably less luck. I knew her mother's side had some British in it, and I was able to track my great-great-grandmother and her parents to England and Scotland, but I'm afraid the trail has ended there. As for my maternal grandfather's side, we always knew they came from the Ukraine. Sadly, I haven't been able to find any records of my great-grandparents in the Ukraine or when they came to Canada, and that's what I really wanted to find out.

I've not given up hope on finding out more information from all the branches of my family. I'm constantly clicking the little leafy hints on Ancestry, and I've even started watching the British and American episodes of Who Do You Think You Are? for more hints as to how to search. If I ever find someone famous on my family tree, I'll be sure to share it. =)

Must go. G'night, loves.


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