Friday, February 6, 2009

Death of Chaos

I'm a bit depressed, so I figured I'd talk about it here. About an hour ago I closed down my last standing Harry Potter rpg (role-playing game). I say last-standing because I've owned many sites. Lost and Founding, Levintara Academy, Throughout the Years, Worlds Collide, these are titles of HP rpgs I've owned over the years - and have closed down due to the inactivity of its members, sometimes including myself. Chaos is more special though. Why, you ask? Because it was the first rpg I opened. And although it's plot has changed once, we went through about three activity checks/member deletions, and I had to leave twice due to computer problems, I still remember discussing the possibilities of the plot with my mom two or three years ago.

I'll admit, Chaos has had some tough times, as shown above with the mention of the activity checks. But still, it's always been there. When my other sites died, or my friends didn't have any that needed my help, I knew I aways had Chaos. Hopefully I'll reopen later this year. Right now I've got my friend's site I'm a part of, and there are two other rpgs I play on too. That's enough right now. And I've got a brilliant rpg in the making. But more on all those later. I just had to vent tonight.


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