Today I'm going to tell you about a great site my mom got me on to a year ago. It's called Free Rice - http://www.freerice.com/. If you haven't been to it yet, you should definitely check it out. Free Rice is basically one big online word game. The site gives you a word and you have to pick the correct meaning of the word from the four meanings they give you. You have the option of difficulty levels - which is great if you're not especially good at word games, like me. But what makes this game different from others you might find out there? For every answer you get right, they'll donate ten grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger!
I've been playing for a year or so, with my score being reset a while back. At the moment my new score is up to 3,000 grains of rice donated, and out of 60 levels, the highest I've gotten is level 20!! See if you can beat my score. Comment here with your scores. ^_^
Ah! I love free rice!!