Well, since my blog is clearly awesome, you must be awesome for reading it. So, I'd like to give all you awesome people a gift this fine morning by letting you in on a secret. I'm friends with a celebrity!! Yep, it's true. Oh, I'll bet money on the fact that you're not thinking of the right one. But still, one of my best friends is a celebrity.
Miss Tiffany Marie Saxe, known to all us commoners as Tippy, recently recieved some good news. Her book was published! 'Tis true, I've seen the proof with my own two eyes - and so shall you! The perks of having pen-pals is that before they get rich and famous, they have to advertise. So, for Tippy, the perk to having me as a friend (aside from many of my amazing qualities) is that I have this lovely blog that I can advertise on for her. The perk to having Tippy for a friend, aside from her great sites and random humor, is that she wrote a book that sounds wonderful. If only I had the money to order it .....
But wait! Maybe you do! Well, even if you don't want to send me a free copy, you can order your own on Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Etched-Stone-Book-Skyla-Chronicles/dp/1606933736/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233432600&sr=1-1 Or on Barnes & Noble - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Etched-In-Stone-Book-One-The-Skyla-Chronicles/Tiffany-Marie-Saxe/e/9781606933732/?itm=1.
I believe both sites have summaries of Etched in Stone, so there you go. ^_^
OMG! That's my book!!!! Woot=]. Thanks Liz, ily dearie!