Monday, January 18, 2010

Not Long Now

My living room is full of boxes, my bedroom is bare, and I have a large pile of laundry to do. What does that mean? Yeah, packing time. Uh.

So yesterday was the beginning of my family's journey of fitting everything from our house, into an apartment. We've been packing off and on for the past few months, but last night we really got to work and cleared things out. I'm not joking, when I woke up this morning the only things I had in my room were two shelves, an end table, my bed, my dresser full of clothes, and a box that will remain open until I have to move - at which point I'll throw my alarm clock and books inside and tape it up.

It was very strange to not bang into the half-closed door this morning (I'm clumsy) because my Harry Potter shelf was not behind it anymore, so the door was wide open. My desk is gone, too. Very large open space now.

Anyway, getting to the important stuff: my writing.

I had a couple of sucky days, but last night was great! After the WriYe Sunday Word Wars (I signed up for both) I wrote a total of 2,337 words yesterday. That makes it 12,484/30,000 words I've written for Oh, Baby! this month, and I've already written about 600 today. And 14,504/300,000 written for the entire year, when you factor in my role-playing applications.

Speaking of role-playing, the website I've been working on for the past month or so with Tippy is finally opening! It's called Tainted Blood, and it's the third in a series of rpgs Tippy's owned. I don't have much to say, except please join! Right now we have eight members - all of us amazing, of course - but we could use some new blood, pardon the pun. So, if you're a Harry Potter fan, and if you role-play (or not) join, pleeease! I play Fred, Luna, Joanna, and Patience at the moment, so contact me when you get over there.

Unfortunately Tippy is sick right now (I'm praying for you, hun!) but the rest of us are still there. And once I'm finished my writing for the night, I'll be heading over there to finish Patience's app and starting some mega advertising.

That's all I have to say right now. Maybe I'll be back tomorrow. Doubtful as I'll have to get another newsletter out then. Maybe.


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