Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Update Post

Look! New profile pic! That's meeeee!

Anyway... Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been too busy writing Oh, Baby! to be bothered with blogging. Today, I'm just doing this so I'll stop my procrastinating habits.

So on Friday I wrote a grand total of 147 words. Wow. I did even worse on Saturday with my lowest word count of the month: 68 words. Then, on Sunday, I remembered the site Write or Die which I owe around five thousand words during NaNo. Basically, you type in the amount of time and how many words you need, set your difficulty level and start writing. And, if you should stop writing, you get punished. The punishment varies depending on the level. I use normal, which flashes a red light at you. Very effective. I wrote 1,196 words on Sunday. Then, yesterday, I continued on with Write or Die, with 1,377 words. That left me with a total of 7.425.

And today? Blegh. I've probably wrote around twenty words earlier (didn't bother counting), but I still have very little inspiration and about four hours of free time in which to write. Five if I push it. Basically what I'm saying is that I really, really, really don't want to write today. Honestly, I'd rather be fixing up my profiles for a role-play I'm helping to build. Wait a minute ... doesn't some rp stuff count to the WriYe total? I'll have to check that out.

In other news, Castle returned from holiday hiatus yesterday and I taped it, so my mom and I will be watching that tonight after the new episode of NCIS featuring Tony's dad. So, maybe that can be my prize for writing? If I make it to over a thousand again tonight, I get to watch my shows. If not, I guess I won't get to watch my shows. That sucks. Better start writing then...


Btw, go to http://writeordie.drwicked.com/ for Write or Die! =)

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