Leave it to me to stay up until seven in the morning yesterday. I got up almost three hours ago at four-thirty. I'm still dead tired. Had to get up to make dinner though sooo .... ugh.
Anyway. I didn't do a lot of writing yesterday. I think I got a little over two hundred done. I didn't even bother to update my word charts. As it is, I have about three and a half hours of writing time left, and it's not just writing I have to do in that time. I have a site to update and research to do.
I admitted to the people on the 6Mo, 6No site last night that I'm tackling a history story later this year. Two of those lovely people offered to help me as I'm so not knowledgeable about the 17th or 18th centuries. Now I just have to figure out which century I'm sticking to, and where the story is going to be set. Wikipedia is not being cooperative. Right now I'm thinking the 1700's in either France or England - or both. It seems more realistic because one of my female characters will be an author, and I don't think there were any in the 1600's.
Aside from that, I've started watching Digimon again. I don't have many episodes myself, but I've found two people on YouTube who have posted the first four seasons. It's really been helpful, because I haven't seen the first two in at least five years. Gave me lots of inspiration for the story I'm writing at the moment. Unfortunately, it also gave me ideas for a new story.
Why can't my brain just shut up?? Why must it torture me by coming up with more ideas when it knows I already had it settled with what I was going to write this year? Before you ask, no, my brain did not stop by giving me another digimon fic to write, it proceeded by reminding me of two Harry Potter fics I thought up early last year.
I promised my mom I'd keep these three ideas on the back burner unless I could handle them. I know I have four months free at first glance of the calendar. But let's face it, I'm probably not going to be able to write all of these stories in a month. At least two of them will carry over. I'd actually have five free months if I didn't still have to complete my NaNo '09 novel and get it sent off to CreateSpace for my free copy. And I haven't even added the history and horror novels to the calendar yet.
That reminds me. I'm thinking about getting someone to read my NaNo novel. My mom has a copy of what I've written so far, but she won't be reading it until we're settled at the new place - next month. That's when I'll be finishing/revising it. I don't know. I'm always nervous showing off my work, especially non-fics. And it's not edited yet. Should I really subject someone to an incomplete, rushed novel with spelling and grammar mistakes?
I have to go before I stress myself out further by talking about this. Later.
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